Investing in Sigmadex

2 min readMar 17, 2021


The latest addition to Sky Ventures Portfolio is Sigmadex. We want to represent an overview of Sigmadex.

Sigmadex is a decentralized,cross-chain, and multiasset marketplace combined with user governance.

Sigmadex is engineered to be an autonomous liquidity gateway that allows users to purchase /sell tokens seamlessly with Cross-chain Capabilities.

Underlying Problem regarding current Decentralized Finance

  1. Liquidity and Latency issues from decentralized Exchanges
  2. Current Decentralized Exchanges are limited to their own networks such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, etc.
  3. Uneconomical Collaterization requirement in specific with synthetic assets.

Sigma Dex Solution

  1. Incentivize Liquidity Providers by game theory
  2. Provides Various Defi opportunities.
  3. Utilize XCMP to exchange assets across multiple networks.
  4. Sigma risk index to regulate synthetic assets collateralization.
  5. Interoperability to exchange assets from different blockchains.

Time Locking Liquidity

All pool contracts contain the function timelock, allowing users to deposit liquidity for a specific period of time.

Time locking Benefits.

If a user unstakes liquidity after maturity user will receive additional penalty rewards and vice-versa.

If the user unstakes earlier to the maturity period, the following case is applicable.

Token Utility

The token can be used for various purposes like adding sufficient liquidity to token pools, collateralize assets, inflation rewards, and various protocol changes and implementations.

Sigma risk Index

Collateralization will be determined algorithmically as a dynamic value by taking Volatility Determination and Moving Average Computation into consideration. The Sigma Risk Index helps evaluate various data points to minimize the risk and take a calculated approach.

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Whitepaper: Sigmadex whitepaper



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